Friday, August 12, 2011

Entanglement chess

In the past, neighboring countries would line up their armies and engage each other in a nice, predictable conflict. Lately, though, the wars we have been fighting have been messy affairs with no clear boundaries. With that in mind, I rearranged the classic chess board to better reflect the occupation vs. insurgency nature of the warfare we have grown used to. I hereby present to you "entanglement chess":

Rule changes:
  • Castling: the king (K) may swap places with the adjacent rook (R), provided neither piece has yet been moved. This is the only castling option.
  • Pawns (P) cannot move two spaces on their first move.
  • Pawns can move horizontally or vertically, but can still only attack diagonally.
  • Pawns cannot be promoted.
Alternate game piece names:
  • B - bishops or "air support"
  • K - king or "commander"
  • N - knights or "guerrilla fighters"
  • P - pawns or "infantry"
  • Q - queen or "special forces"
  • R - rooks or "armored division"


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